Asanas lying on the stomach

B: Asanas lying on the stomach:   

These Asanas, if regularly practiced as per the instructions below, have great advantages in curing back pain and all spine related problems as it removes stiffness starting from the neck to the lower spine and greatly increases the flexibility. Further cures Asthma and Lungs related problems.

1. Makaraasan: Lie on the stomach, make a stand of your hands with both elbows together and palms together under the chin. Keep both legs together. Breathe in and lift right leg lower knee portion to touch right heap with your right heel and then the other side. First each leg 5 times and then both legs together 10 times.

2. Bhujangaasan: Both hands on the side of chest, breath in, lift your chest, head up and look up as much as you can. Hold your breath in this pose for 10 seconds and come back withbreath out. 3-5 times.

3. Poorna Bhujangaasan: Both hands below your chin, breath in, lift your chest, head up and look up as much as you can. Hold your breath in this pose for 10 seconds and come back with breath out. 3-5 times.

4. Shalbhaasan (1): Both hands below your thighs breathe in and lift your left leg up without bending your knee and chin to touch the ground. Hold the leg up for 10 seconds and come with breath out. 3-4 times each leg.

5. Shalbhaasan (2): Hold your hands from behind, breath in, lift your head and legs together as much as you can and hold in that position for 5 seconds and come back with breath out. 3-4 times each leg.