Part D : Asanas the sitting posture
C:: Asanas lying on the back
1. Markataasan (1): Hands sideways with palms open to sky, both knees together folded completely with heelstouching the heaps. Turn your knees towards left touching the ground and neck in opposite direction towards
right and vice versa. Each side 5 times.
Benefits: Cures back pain, cervical pain, neck pain, spondylitis
(loss of mobility of neck and spine) and all stiffness related to neck upto lower spine, stiffness of
waist, stomach pain, constipation, gastric and usual diarreahea problems are also cured greatly.
2. Markataasan (2): Hands sideways with palms open to sky, both knees apart folded completely with heels touching the heaps. Turn your knees towards left, left knee touching the ground and right knee touching the heel of left leg and neck in opposite direction towards right and then the same on the other side. Each side 5
Benefits: Similar to 1.
3. Markataasan (3): Hands sideways with palms open to sky, legs straight. Lift left leg to the sky, bend to 90 degrees towards the right and turn neck towards left and then the same on the other side. Each side 5 times.
Benefits: Same as 1 with further extra stretch on waist and lower thigh muscles.
4. Hands along the thighs lift left leg upto the sky (breath in) and bring it down (breath out). Then lift right leg up-to the sky (breath in) and bring it down (breath out). Each leg 10 times. Then lift both legs together up-to
the sky (breath in) and bring them down (breath out) - 7-10 times.
Benefits: Excellent benefits for the
stomach related problems and proven results on stomach and weight reduction.
5. Paadvritaasan: Hands along the thighs, lift left leg and make a full circle clockwise 5 times and anti clockwise 5 times. Then lift right leg and make a full circle clockwise 5 times and anti clockwise 5 times. Benefits: Similar to 4 with further benefit on reduction of fat from the waist and thighs.
6. Dwichkrikaasan: Hands along the thighs lift both legs and cycle them forward (cycling) 15 times and
backwards 15 times.
Benefits: Similar to 4.
Benefits: Similar to 4.
7. Shavaasan: Now as we are tired and flow of energy is high at physical and mental level, just relax with hands
and legs wide open and head facing the sky, eyes closed and just relax. Watch your breath the way it is going
and just feel the vibrations. This is the bliss of the moment.
Part D : Asanas the sitting posture