Asanas (exercises) the sitting posture

D:Asanas (exercises) the sitting posture :

1. Mandukaasan (1): Sit on the folded legs, breath in and breath out completely, pull the stomach in, put the fists (thumb in the fist) on both the sides of the naval and bend forward completely and look up. This will press the empty stomach inside with many benefits relating to stomach problems and greatly for diabetes.

2. Mandukaasan (2): Sit on the folded legs, breath in and breath out completely, pull the stomach in, put the left palm on the naval with right palm on top of left palm and bend forward completely and look up. This will press the empty stomach inside with many benefits relating to stomach problems and greatly for diabetes.

3.Sitting in the same posture as in 1 & 2 above, raise your hands up, breath in and bend backwards (as much as you can) and come back with breath out and bend forward completely to touch head on the ground.

D: Subtle (Sookshma) exercises while sitting in the comfortable posture with spine and neck straight:
1. Both hands parallel straight to the face, fists closed with thumbs in the fist, rotate both fists clockwise (10 times) and anticlockwise (10 times) keeping hands straight. Benefits:
2.Rest your fingers on the shoulders with elbows pointing outside; make a circle with elbows clockwise 10 times and anticlockwise 10 times.
3.Rub your palms all round the knees clockwise 10 times and anticlockwise 10 times with concentration on the movement of shoulders.
4.Hold right wrist with left hand and left wrist with right hand from behind the head and pull right hand from left hand and vice versa stretching the back.
5.Put both hands on the blackhead with fingers interlocked. Press your head forward from hands and press your hands backwards from head at the same time both in the opposite directions.

6.Put both hands on the forehead with fingers interlocked. Press your head backwards from hands and press your hands forward from head at the same time both in the opposite directions.

7.Put right hand on the right side of the head. Press your head towards the left from hand and press your hand towards right from the head at the same time in the opposite directions. The same step with the left hand on the left side of the head.
5, 6 & 7 above
8.Rotate your neck clockwise and anticlockwise 10 times each.
9.Move your eyeballs clockwise and anticlockwise keeping the neck straight.
10.Sit with legs wide by 2 feet, touch left toe with right hand and left hand to flow backwards and vice versa on other side. The eyes to follow the hand moving backwards. Each side 5 times.

11.Sit with legs straight joined together, hold hands with fingers interlocked, bend forward (interlocked hands to 

go upto the toe) and then backwards making a full circle from the waist. Clockwise and anticlockwise 5 times 


12.Sit with bottom of both feet joined together and knees folded. Lock the joined feet with your hands and move 

the knees up and down (20 times). Feel the stretch in the inner thighs. This is also called butterfly exercise.